Inclusive education for special needs students

The overall goal of the project is to create a school environment suitable for promoting inclusive education through art for children at risk of exclusion, with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Participating organisations: SiripArte (Italy), PREDIF (Spain), LAA (Latvia)

Specific objectives

  • to define a framework of useful tools for the inclusion of students at risk, BES or with disabilities through a methodology based on education through art
  • to provide educators and teachers with knowledge, skills, and competencies to facilitate inclusive education
  • to test the "Thinking hands" methodology in 3 different countries, laying the foundations for the systematization of a European model
  • Disseminate the results of the project to local communities, inviting more schools to adopt the methodology developed during the project.

The results that we intend to achieve through the project are:

  • Booklet "Thinking Hands": it is the main output of the project. It will be a tool containing the methodology developed in the first months of the project, starting from the analysis of the needs of the partners and schools involved. The booklet will be dedicated to educators and teachers and will contain the principles, objectives, learning outcomes, and possible activities to be implemented in the classroom to promote the inclusion of students through art;
  • Transnational training course for teachers and educators;
  • Report of the pilot action containing the results of the experimentation of the methodology, evaluating the possible systematisation of the model at the European level;
  • 3 events to promote the project in the 3 partner countries (Italy, Spain, Latvia).

The project responds to the following priorities:

  1. Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport;
  2. Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills.

The main target groups of the project:

  1. Students with and without learning disabilities
  2. Educators and teachers